The recent Steam Hardware Survey shows that more users prefer hexa-core CPUs than the previous quad-core processors. Still, the data also reveals that users select processors with six or more physical cores (34.22% of users), while 33.74% use four cores in their gaming setups. Steam users widely used Quad-core processors, showing that 41.61% of users utilize those specific CPU designs. Additionally, octa-core processors have recently seen a surge in numbers, except for the 11 core CPU-based processors, which are more of a specialty configuration. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 shows wide use in Steam users, maintaining its 8.18% grasp of the market. The speculation behind why the GeForce RTX 2060 remains behind the company’s predecessor GPU is possibly due to shortages of semiconductor chips, along with the effects of COVID-19. Scalpers and crypto mining are also probable to the data, ensuring that gamers and casual users were remaining out of reach of GPU sales. However, this last month, the GeForce RTX 2060 did overtake third in the user rankings, succeeding the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti in the tabulated data results. In March, NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 3060 also increased, allowing more Ampere-based GPUs to overtake the top spots. With the costs of graphics cards declining over the next several months, allowing more users and gamers to access harder-to-find GPUs, we may see that the GeForce GTX 1060 finally be dethroned in its current spot by a newer generation of graphics cards. Source: Steam Hardware Survey

Steam Hardware Survey results show hexa core CPUs are most popular among gamers - 60Steam Hardware Survey results show hexa core CPUs are most popular among gamers - 19Steam Hardware Survey results show hexa core CPUs are most popular among gamers - 74Steam Hardware Survey results show hexa core CPUs are most popular among gamers - 16Steam Hardware Survey results show hexa core CPUs are most popular among gamers - 25Steam Hardware Survey results show hexa core CPUs are most popular among gamers - 2